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Concussion Information (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing)


1.  If your hockey player is suspected of having a concussion, they need to immediately stop activity and start a period of mental and physical rest.  Giving the brain enough time to rest and heal is the best way to prevent long term brain injury.

2.  Make an appointment with the hockey player’s primary care provider or one of the medical providers at the St Luke’s Clinic in Hailey.  If their symptoms are severe, get immediate medical attention.  If their symptoms are not severe, it is ok and oftentimes preferred to wait a week or so before being seen by a medical provider.  Most concussions in children and teens resolve in 7-14 days.

3.  While waiting for the medical appointment, if your child feels completely better, try some light exercise like walking around the block and/or reintroduce mental challenge by returning to school.  If at any point your child feels worse, return to mental and physical rest.

3.  At the medical appointment, the provider will determine if it is necessary for your hockey player who is 12 years of age or older to take the ImPACT test.  Most of the time this is not necessary.  Bring the USA Hockey’s Return to Play (RTP) form with you

5.  If at any time your hockey player’s symptoms become severe or change suddenly, seek immediate medical attention.

6. You can return to hockey practice only after you have the Return to Play form signed by a health care professional, your child’s coach, and the parent(s) or guardian and the form is returned to Nancy Fenn, SVYH Registrar.

7.  Click on this link for a summary of concussion information from the CDC

ImPACT Concussion Mandatory Testing

SVYH requires that each player 12 years of age or older have an ImPACT baseline test on file every two years.  Tests performed with children under the age of 12 have proven to be less accurate and therefore not required.   

To schedule a baseline ImPACT test, please contact St Luke's at 208-727-8281.  SVYH offers ImPACT testing on September 25 and 27, 2023. If you were unable to attend those and you still need a baseline ImPact test, please schedule your own test.

For information on the ImPACT test and signs and symptoms, please check out the ImPACT site.